
The objective of this web-based consultation is to support the development of an international research agenda for WoodWisdom-Net. This consultation activity assists in the preparation of Calls-for-Proposals and the initiation of international research projects on wood material science and related sciences. The research projects are due to start in 2007, and they will be co-funded by the partners of WoodWisdom-Net from at least eight different countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom).

EU sixth framework programme
Systems analysis laboratory

At the end of March 2006 WoodWisdom-Net completed the process leading up to a decision regarding the areas of the coming Calls for Proposal, and three working groups are now planning the launch. More information available in the latest Newsletter in http://www.woodwisdom.net/publications/. You can follow the process via the WoodWisdom-Net website http://www.woodwisdom.net and you can also subscribe to the WoodWisdom-Net eNewsletter by email woodwisdom.office@woodwisdom.fi

See Shedule and the latest news of the consultation process.